We don"t want another in the area !

We don"t want another in the area !
Say NO! This is an example of a typical 15 Metre Pole Mast !!!!

Monday, 25 April 2011

THEY ARE TRYING YET AGAIN. YEAR AFTER YEAR. !!!! Looks likevthey tryvevery two years lets hope the same result for same reasons 25th April 2011




Monday, 5 March 2007


It looks like they are back again… lots of people measuring up opposite the original area now rather than the Church Inn car park. When I asked why they said they were considering options for a new site for a phone mast. This in fact would be worse as this time we can actually see it, but I guess they are being clever as it probably is just outside the conservation area by a matter of feet.

But the fear of perceived health risks is in fact greater. This location would reduce the turning circle for the residents and still not be in keeping with the historical building/area.

I will keep you informed as and when I get a letter re application/planning…

Please keep an eye out in the papers for an planning application....

Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Latest Emails to Stuart Bodsworth Councillor Cheadle Hulme South

I do not have a problem in you posting my comments on your blog. It might be useful for readers if you included your message as context for my comments in reply?
All the best.

Stuart Bodsworth
Councillor Cheadle Hulme South
Cllr, Yes, I was present at the meeting at Bramhall for a 'dry run' for the possibility of the Church Inn telephone mast coming back as planning permission item.... It was especially very useful to hear your comment on "the public perception, the fear, of possible health implications and the consequent impact on quality of life"... it certainly got Karen Clark asking for precise reasons of refusal on the night in light of possible further appeal...

I'm working with Lenny Grice albeit that we are 'on hold' at the moment... further I was very pleased with the councils statement re conservation area as another reason and especially the statement that the committee/chair will always refuse masts on conservation land...
I look forward to our discussions on further appeal re Church Inn mast...

I will also add all your comments in full to the blog,
http://say-no-to-mobile-mast-church-inn.blogspot.com/ , if that still ok with you? Please advise..
Thank you for all your time on this matter... regards Michael....

From: Cllr Stuart Bodsworth Sent: 11 December 2006 10:19To:

Subject: RE: Church Inn Mast Cheadle Hulme

Dear Michael,
As you will no doubt be aware, planning is a quasi judicial process and therefore has to be dealt with very carefully. If any application was refused without reasons founded in planning law and guidance, that refusal would undoubtedly be overturned at appeal.
So until and unless the Government change their guidance on mast applications, using health implications as a formal reason for refusal is asking for trouble.
However, the public perception, the fear, of possible health implications and the consequent impact on quality of life has successfully been used as a reason for refusal of mast applications. In fact I used that as one of the central reasons for refusing the recent application for a mobile phone mast on the BT building on Bramhall Lane South, outside Pownall Green School.

Stuart Bodsworth
Councillor Cheadle Hulme South

From: Michael Eyres Sent: Sun 10/12/2006 7:36 PM

To: Stuart BodsworthCouncillor Cheadle Hulme South

Re Church Inn Mast Cheadle Hulme

Are you aware of this
"The Department of Health should be advising now the Department of Communities and Local Government that it is no longer possible in planning matters to instruct Local planning authorities that “health effects and concerns” should not be considered when considering Planning Applications as currently, stated in paragraphs 29 and 30 of Planning Policy Guidance Circular PPG8. "
" Genuine public fear and concern is a material planning consideration to be taken into account by the decision maker”.

This information is from the news section of
http://www.scram.uk.com/ well worth a look at re Telephone Mast matters of objection...
regards Michael.

Sunday, 10 December 2006

Information of Health concerns re telephone masts

Are you aware of this
"The Department of Health should be advising now the Department of Communities and Local Government that it is no longer possible in planning matters to instruct Local planning authorities that “health effects and concerns” should not be considered when considering Planning Applications as currently, stated in paragraphs 29 and 30 of Planning Policy Guidance Circular PPG8. "
" Genuine public fear and concern is a material planning consideration to be taken into account by the decision maker”.

This information is from the news section of
http://www.scram.uk.com/ well worth a look at re Telephone Mast matters of objection...

Thursday, 30 November 2006

Latest Comments from Stuart Bodsworth Councillor Cheadle Hulme South

Dear Michael,
Thank you for contacting me about this, I have been following this application and was aware of the development.
I would be very surprised if this application is not resubmitted or one very similar.
As you probably know the last Conservative Government gave the mobile providers permitted development rights for masts of 15 meters and under. The current government, despite their blizzard of legislation, have left this "head start" for the telecoms companies in place.
The operators are very fond of their permitted development rights. They may well be researching a site in the area that would allow them to make a permitted development application. But, generally they do not just go away. They know that there will be diminishing returns in the public objections every time they try again, however, rest assured that I will always be happy to refer the Area Committee back to previous petitions as a reminder of the depth of public feeling.

Stuart Bodsworth
Councillor Cheadle Hulme South

Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Application HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN Please do NOT attend the meeting BUT lets get organised for Round 2 which is expected...

I have just received a phone call, (29/11/06 10:55am), informing me that this application has been withdrawn as the applicant has to resubmit the application as a planning permission application not a prior notice application because of the Conservation boundaries..

PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND THE MEETING as this will not now be on the agenda.

We seriously have to keep an eye on this as if there is another application for this site some people may feel it’s not worth it again to stop it a second time...

THANK YOU for your support hundreds of letter were received at the council in addition to the many many hundreds of signatures. We will do even better I'm sure on ANY attempt for a second application will be blocked with greater numbers….

We all must be vigilant to spot it and I can guarantee now that we know how strong people are known to be against this we will DOUBLE our efforts if there is a new application..... PLEASE pass on this information to you contacts so they don't travel to the County Hotel on the night.

Tuesday, 28 November 2006

529 so far have signed against the Mast

Thanks for all the signature so far.. I have collected them from the local shops and will deliver then this week to the Town Hall Council. A total of 529 have sign against this proposal, which is a great result. However final push must be to get as many letters sent but please attend the meeting 7th Dec 2006 6pm County Hotel Bramhall. The directions are on the link in the index on a previous message blog.

"Working together we can stop this Mobile Mast"
Decision meeting
7th Dec 2006 County Hotel 6pm start.

Saturday, 25 November 2006


Stop the Mobile Mast Church Inn Cheadle Hulme

Final Push… We desperately need more people to attend the final decision meeting 7th Dec 6pm County Hotel Bramhall 6pm ... Last chance to protect the conservation area you live in … If this goes through there could be more… Don’t let Robinsons Brewery win! Don't let this final stage let us down... PLEASE GO TO THE MEETING being there will make all the difference to the result made on the night. The more people present counts...

Please ensure YOU attend the decision meeting

Ok now we switch our attention to encourage people to go to the decision meeting...

Hundreds of signatures have been collected and will be sent soon. The last chance is Sunday in the Newsagents on Church Rd. Please pop in and ask for the form ASAP.

Monday is the start of the countdown for the decision meeting day. Please ensure you attend the decision meeting on 7th Dec County Hotel Bramhall to show support against the proposed Mobile Mast or it will go through !

"Working together we can stop this Mobile Mast"

Friday, 24 November 2006

Swann Lane, Swann Grove, Hilltop delivery now complete.

Swann Lane area and Hilltop area now complete for leaflets drop.
Just need the top end of Woods Lane and some final Glandon, Selwyn, Thornway deliveries to be made.
Maybe Granby Rd area should be included and that should be the most we can do that would be relevant to the proposal.

I will collect the signatures from the shops around midday Saturday or latest on reopening Monday morning....

Last chance to sign...
Please make the effort of distribution worthwhile by sending the letters this weekend.

Please ensure you attend the meeting on 7th Dec County Hotel Bramhall to show support against the proposed Mobile Mast or it will go through !
"Working together we can stop this Mobile Mast"

Thursday, 23 November 2006

Directions to decision meeting 7/12/06 6pm County Hotel Bramhall

How to get there....
Click map below for directions for the decision meeting
7th Dec 2006 County Hotel 6pm start.
Click here ----> Map

This is an early item on the agenda please be there before 6pm


"Working together we can stop this Mobile Mast"

School Mums not aware of the proposed mast...

Thorn Grove nursery and Hurstead School Mums were unaware of the proposed mast. A local Grandmother taking her Grandson to school was the one to break the news to them !!
We need to ensure that as many people as possible know of this proposal and that local people get involved directly picking up the momentum further to ensure a good turn out for the meeting... Please let me know if you can attend if possible, otherwise just turn up, all welcome...

7th December 2006 County Hotel Bramhall.
Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2EB

Click for Map

We have a spokes person for the meeting and a decision will be made on the night !
"Working together we can stop this Mobile Mast"
(see 1st message base of this page"

Wednesday, 22 November 2006

December issue of Conservative news reports on proposed mast

The local community news from the Conservatives for Bramhall, Woodford and South Cheadle Hulme area has included an article saying they have arranged for the application to be considered at the committee meeting 7th December 2006. This will ensure that it is discussed in the meeting rather than being automatically 'rubber stamped' to go ahead....

Please ensure you attend the meeting on 7th Dec County Hotel Bramhall to show support against the proposed Mobile Mast or it will go through !

"Working together we can stop this Mobile Mast"
(see 1st message base of this page"

Tuesday, 21 November 2006

Quiet day...

The weather is a little too bad today to deliver leaflets. Hopefully, it will ease up by tomorrow and the area around Woods Lane is targeted for the next delivery! A couple of people have told me they have posted the letter on, thanks to them for their support.

Please send yours ASAP.... It's very important to get as many as possible sent before the deadline date of 1st Dec 2006.... A cost of a stamp is all it takes to have your say...

"Working together we can stop this Mobile Mast"
(see 1st message base of this page)

Monday, 20 November 2006

More leaflets through doors tonight.

Even more leaflets delivered this evening to most streets behind the Governors’ Public House and Station Rd shops and top end of Ack Lane West, Summerlea. Please send your letter ASAP if you got one. Forms are in all the local shops on Church Road are still available to sign until the end of this weekend. Please try to sign them this week. If you would like to sign after you have finished work please pop into Threshers on Church Road and ask for the form to sign, they are open late. Thank you for your effort and your local support.

"Working together we can stop this Mast"
(see the application details bottom of this page)

More helpers now coming forward...

Volunteers are coming forward now to help with the distribution of the letters to local residents... If you can help please let me know michael.eyres@virgin.net .

As the Proforma letter is being circulated, if you can also 'chat' to the person to try to ensure they send their copy/letter, please do so!!

Finally, please encourage as many people/family members as possible to turn up for the decision meeting 7th Dec 2006 County Hotel Bramhall 18:00, early agenda item so don't miss it...

"Working together we can stop this mast"

Sunday, 19 November 2006

Latest News 19th Nov 2006

"Say No to another Phone Mast!"

The campaign is going well; it certainly has the local people talking….
We need to step up the momentum now and start to ensure that the letters are delivered to local houses and that they are sent. If you have not signed the protest form in the shops on Church Rd please do so ASAP as they have to be collected next weekend..
Next, we can start to work on ensuring that people go to the decision meeting proposed for 7th Dec at the County Hotel Bramhall 18:00… The more people that are there to object, the more likely that this campaign will be successful…. showing disapproval, makes all the difference to the result on the night. Ask your neighbour to go!!

Working together we can stop this Mast!

Stop the Mast Support received from the House of Commons

Letter of support from Mark Hunter MP

Help Stop The Mast Church Inn Car Park Cheadle Hulme

"Say No to another Phone Mast!"

Working together we can stop this for the price of a stamp.

Background:- ‘There has been an application to erect a
15 Metre (45 ft approx) Mobile Phone Mast
in the main Church inn car park Cheadle Hulme, see details below.

Dear Neighbour, Please send, ASAP, a letter objecting to the plan, like this example letter below, to Mr S Lamb, Stockport Council (address below also), choose your own comment and style if you wish but please focus on the example here as only planning matters are taken into account for the decision. If you want to send this letter as it is, that’s fine. Cut off this top part first and pop the remainder in the post and send it immediately! It must arrive before 1st Dec 2006.
Additionally, and
more important, please attend the decision meeting proposed for 7th Dec at the County Hotel Bramhall 18:00 (it’s an early Item on the agenda). We have a spokes person but we NEED people to be there because a high number of people present, showing disapproval, makes all the difference to the result on the night. Ask your neighbour to go!! Finally, sign the protest form
in all the shops on Church Road, ask the shopkeepers: Don’t forget to sign your letter and please send it ASAP.
Thanks for showing your interest in your local area. M J Eyres Summerlea Cheadle Hulme.
Cut along the dotted line and send the bottom part of this letter to Mr Lamb, or send your own comments.
Ref DC024578

Mr S Lamb,
Head of Development and Control,
Environment and Economy Directorate,
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council,
Hygarth House,
103, Wellington Road South,

Dear Sir,

SITE: Car park between Governors House Public House and 1 Ack Lane West.
Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire.
(Amended site description)
DESCRIPTION: Prior notification of installation of 15 metre high replica
telegraph pole mast accommodating 3 number antennas within cylindrical shroud together with radio equipment housing.

The undersigned object to the above planning application.

The proposed development is entirely inappropriate in that it is not in accordance with the Unitary Development Plan. It is within a conservation area. It affects the setting of a listed building and a building of particular local architectural merit. It will be visually intrusive. It will affect the character of the surrounding area and it will affect the residential amenity of the occupiers of nearby dwellings.

I trust that you will take these objections into consideration when determining the application and request that you recommend that planning permission be refused.

Yours faithfully,

Signature(s) Date:


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